• One of my managers went on a rant about how black guys don’t be raising their kids n shit she said something to the nature of “Black guys just have sex and run from their responsibilities and create a baby daddy cycle” and I responded by saying “that’s false I’m 24 and I’ve been responsible with my sex life and my dad and mom are still married… it’s not a good marriage but aye they raised us equally” and she responded with “But thats cuz you were raised right, you prolly have good parents” later on we talked about her kids and she said basically shes got 3 with her white husband shes still technically married to and her last one was with a “baby daddy” don’t be mad at me that u fell for the ol’ dick n run

    1. properblue said: sound like she’s just bitter about her own situation tryna project it on someone else hah, ‘the ol dick n run’ hahaha
    2. renfacekillah posted this