You can get The Bubble Gum Thief through the... |

You can get The Bubble Gum Thief through the Amazon Local app for only $1 during this special promotion.

You can get The Bubble Gum Thief through the Amazon Local app for only $1 during this special promotion.  

(via Amazon Local National: Mobile App First: Free Voucher to Purchase Select Kindle Books for $1 Each)

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  1. chaptertwelve reblogged this from jeffmiller and added:
    Friends, let me tell you a little story. I bought two copies of The Bubble Gum Thief when it was released because I...
  2. jeffmiller reblogged this from jeffmillerwrites and added:
    Reblogging for the bigger audience. If you’ve ever been interested in reading my novel, but didn’t think it was worth...
  3. jeffmillerwrites posted this
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