August 7, 2014
“ chibird:
“ With much sadness, it was announced that Studio Ghibli will be shutting down its animation production department. Their films have been some of my favorites, and their characters have inspired me since childhood. Here’s to them...



With much sadness, it was announced that Studio Ghibli will be shutting down its animation production department. Their films have been some of my favorites, and their characters have inspired me since childhood. Here’s to them and the wonderful stories they have given us.

On August 3, 2014, Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli announced that the production studio would take a “brief pause” (小休止) in order to reevaluate and restructure in the wake of Miyazaki’s retirement. He stated some concerns about where the company would go in the future.[17] He did not, as some sources reported, announce the closing of the studio. This mistake was made by a Tumblr user who was then taken as a credible source by multiple news media sites.[18]

(via belovedstrawberry)

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