April 16, 2014



When someone’s depressed, stating obvious comments like these are usually counter productive.

I’ve heard all of these before. And then some. People who don’t experience depression don’t understand how you can’t just ‘Be happy’. They think changing your lifestyle will help. In many cases, yes, it will. But if it were that easy depression would not be so hard to get rid of and affecting millions of people.

For many, including me, it’s a challenge to just get out of bed in the morning, weighed down by constant negative emotions. It’s not that we want to be unhappy, our brains just don’t understand the concept of ‘WOW. The world is such an extraordinary place and it’s great to be alive.’

The worst is when you’ve literally done and are still doing all of these things but you still have depression or issues that or out of your control but still effect you.

(via greekgodsforsocialjusticearchive)

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    If this post is true, that means I’ve been depressed since I was 10. I suspected it, but I wasn’t really sure. I’ve also...
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