Grill em All (Part 3)- Alhambra


Saturday had the potential to be an epic disaster.  Alexis, Tosh and I pre-rode  the Mt. Baldy course before Stage 6 of the Men’s Tour of California race.  I was ill-prepared.  Not only was I running late and missed my morning coffee, but I was dressed for 70 degree weather and had one gel with me (which I ate before the ride even started because it had caffeine in it). Every 20 miles, I had to stop at the rest stops and stuff my face with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and drink diet cokes. Tosh gave me his long sleeve jersey to wear so I wouldn’t die. After 10,000 feet of climbing, we made it to the top.  We found Jeff Clark, who had parked his camper van 3k from the finish.  He wrapped us up in blankets and made us coffee.  In about an hour we were revived.  Alexis shared her lunch with me and we had enough energy to bike back up to the 1k to go mark and watch the pro-men ride by. 

After a day of PB and J’s and half of a civilian-sized lunch, all I could think about was burgers. Specifically the Pig Champion from Grill em All.  Jeff, Tosh and Alexis were all on the same page so immediately after the race we packed up and headed to Alhambra. The Pig Champion (½ pound pork patty, fried egg, canadian bacon, and hollandaise sauce) was everything I imagined it to be…


This was Alexis’ first time at Grill em All and she went big with the Behemoth.  (2 grilled cheese sandwhiches for buns, ½ beef patty, bacon , cheese and bbq sauce)


It was massive. 


But she managed to squish it down and she ate it like a pro.


Jeff Clark was a little over-welmed with the menu and went with the basic Winger and added Bacon 


He didn’t touch his sauce, so after Alexis finished her Behemoth she reached over and was like “What’s that? I’ll eat it”  Apparently it was amazing with fries.  I didn’t have any so I’m not quite sure what it was.   

I didn’t get a picture of Tosh’s “hamburger”.  I dribbled pork grease on my phone and it stopped working.  He is vegan so I wasn’t really interested in his order and neither was he.  He was more about the fries, but Grill em All does have vegan options.  Good for them.  

Grillemall grillmall alhambra california hamburger amgentoc amgen tour of california alexisryan jeffclark toshy behemoth winger pigchampion burgerlords burgersunday happinesswatts grilledcheese