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Fashion’s Night Out 2011 + Hollywood Punch = A Very Stylish Combination
Why not sip on a margarita to go as you’re browsing store to store? Sounds like a bright idea to us!!! Fashion’s Night Out is a global event to boost consumer shopping and we...

Fashion’s Night Out 2011 + Hollywood Punch = A Very Stylish Combination

Why not sip on a margarita to go as you’re browsing store to store? Sounds like a bright idea to us!!! Fashion’s Night Out is a global event to boost consumer shopping and we think that’s dope shit especially in an economy like this

FNO runs citywide from about 6pm-11pm and we will be located in Soho on Broadway & Prince St. (we will tweet/facebook if that changes)

So look out for a lovely Hollywood Punch crew member and enjoy your very fashionable night out!!!

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