For I Will Consider My Cat — What she was saying boiled down to this: Catholics...

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What she was saying boiled down to this: Catholics are worried about Communism: and they have a right to be, because the Communist revolution aims, among other things, at wiping out the Church. But few Catholics stop to think that Communism would make very little progress in the world, or none at all if Catholics really lived up to their obligations, and really did the things Christ came on earth to teach them to do: that is, if really loved one another, and saw Christ in one another, and lived as saints, and did something to win justice for the poor.
Thomas Merton on the Baroness de Hueck (Catherine Doherty, Servant of God), The Seven Storey Mountain, pp.340f.
thomas merton the seven storey mountain communism catholic social teaching liberation theology catherine doherty

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