For I Will Consider My Cat — First of all, because anything that is causing you...

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First of all, because anything that is causing you inner hurt afflicts you all the more for being contained, as the mind becomes fixated upon it. But when it is let out it is in a certain degree dissipated and the inner sadness to that extent diminished. For this reason when people are afflicted by sadness and vent it with tears and groans, or even tell of it in words, the sadness decreases.

A second reason is that human beings always get some pleasure out of acting appropriately, and weeping and groaning is just what the person who is sad and doleful should be doing. Being in this sort of way appropriate behaviour it gives a certain kind of mitigating pleasure that reduces the sadness.

St Thomas Aquinas on why it’s better to have a really good cry than to keep a stiff upper lip., quoted by Denys Turner, p.145.

Turner summarises Thomas’s remedies for the blues as follows: “weeping, groaning, therapeutic talk, prayer, friends, a good night’s sleep” (p.146).

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