healingthegeekyway replied to your post: video game wishlist

new kingdom hearts is being released for the ps4 i believe. or at least the ps3. there’s an elder scrolls online for the pc, and they have a civilization downloadable type game for xbox 360.

YAY NEW KINGDOM HEARRRTSSSS okay I might buy a PS4 for that. YAY!  Thanks!  I know about the Elder Scrolls online for PC which ughhhh because I don’t play PC games (caveat: if I can find a way to play a PC game on my TV, then I’d buy ALL THE PC GAMES. Would an extra long HDMI cord work? Hm hm hm) but even more importantly I INTENSELY DISLIKE online games.  Intensely. Okay truth is that I intensely dislike people.

CIV DL FOR XBOX 360 OH MAN okay Imma look into this, thank you!

  1. glockgal posted this