I tried watching Bob’s Burgers

(my observation is very gender binary, cissexism ahoy)

The beginning credits scene was cute! But I got like five seconds in and then the mom-character started talking and her voice was a male voice actor doing that ‘I’m doing an impression of a woman nyaaaaa’ voice and I had to turn the show off.   I honestly didn’t realize how much I personally have an aversion to men doing a certain style of voice-acting for female characters until that moment?  IDK.  Buh.

And I mean, I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be voice actors for things that are not exactly them!  But I dunno, it was the voice that the male voice actor chose for the mom, it was just…it made me feel weird and uncomfortable and I’m not even really sure why? I don’t really know how to articulate it.  

I think it’s because I’m used to hearing guys use that voice when they want to imitate and mock their wives/girlfriends/mothers/ etc.  Which I suppose it ultimately the point? Argh, I dunno.  I really don’t.

But I am sad because I was looking forward to watching the show!  Wah.  Ah well, I’m glad it is a show people enjoy! I think this is just one of my own personal quirks, which I only discovered this weekend and now I’ll need to figure out why I feel this way.

  1. glockgal reblogged this from jindywahr and added:
    HM. Actually that’s a really good point - and while it’s worth it for me to slog through some Season 1s if only so I can...
  2. vivarocksteady reblogged this from glockgal and added:
    Tina is voiced by a man as well - originally Tina was a boy named Daniel, and they found that a teenage boy telling...
  3. jindywahr reblogged this from glockgal and added:
    Glad the context helped. It’s true, Tina is also voiced by a man (Dan Mintz). It’s a very different kind of performance,...
  4. attilee reblogged this from attilee and added:
    AH I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS BUT: The most important aspect of Tina as a character might just exist in...
  5. jindywahr said: Aawww…I love Bob’s Burgers. And Linda! I hope you give it another shot. I reblogged your post with a lengthier defense. :)
  6. imaginarycircus said: Did you feel like it took the female character’s humanity away and reduced her to a joke? Because that would drive me up a wall. D: