toujoursher asked: Should you read The Maze Runner? Welp, it's actually halfway decent re: race, apart from assuming that white is the norm and only describing skin color when it's not white. But several of the main supporting characters are PoC, and they're not fetishized in any way that was obvious to me. I agree that the treatment of female characters (and distinct LACK of them) is an issue, but I've only read 1.5 books so far. Worst part? God-awful metaphors. It reads like it was written by a savvy 12 y/o.

AHAHAH!! Sounds good, thanks!  And like, if it’s Gordon Korman kinda savvy 12 y/o then I’m down with that. 

  1. fuzzytale reblogged this from glockgal
  2. toujoursher said: I just opened up Book 1 and found one right away: “…he felt his fear whisked away like a swarm of gnats caught in a wind…” Apropos of absolutely nothing, LOL. Most of it is pretty pared down, and then you’ll get lines like that out of nowhere.
  3. glockgal posted this