Anonymous asked: Well, I asked because you reblogged a DA picture about POC's in movies so I was curious... *Shrugs* I understand what the pic was saying, but I think when they try to even out blacks/whites in every commercial and magazine ad, they're trying too hard to appease everyone. There's nothing wrong with it, but how often in RL does 8 of 10 white guys marry/date a black woman... I'm not trying to sound racist and I'm sorry if I come off that way but maybe a little too much offense is taken to this?

Oh you’re back, heh.

they’re trying too hard to appease everyone

Well why should ‘they’ only try to appease white people? And who do you define as 'they’, anyway?

but how often in RL does 8 of 10 white guys marry/date a black woman

I’m not even sure what you’re saying. 8 of out 10 where?  What is this 'statistic’ you’re using? Are white guys some sort of ultimate prize that all straight women of every colour should strive to marry/date?

maybe a little too much offense is taken to this?

LOL. I was warned not to respond kindly, yet here I am. Did you go read racebending? Seriously, it’ll educate you. Learning is fun!

  1. cureelliott-blog said: i don’t even get this because i’ve never seen a interracial couple an ad ever?????? anon what planet are u from
  2. annlarimer said: It’s POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD or something.
  3. splinteredshard said: Oh god, lol, “maybe a little too much offense is taken to this?” AHAHA, MAN I BET YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE! I mean it’s not like you went through stupid shit like this a gazillion times before during the super busy racebending times.
  4. glockgal posted this