How I make an Adult Related Phonecalls


  1. Write down whatever I have to say.
  2. Practice over and over.
  3. Call the number.
  4. Hang up as soon as someone answers—I wasn’t ready or I jumble up my words.
  5. Wait a hour or so and hope I don’t get the same person.
  6. Wait some more because I was not ready an hour ago.
  7. Call again(I may go though steps 3-6 again)

Alternately, the incredibly mature adult way to do this: using bribes of food (I’ll buy/make you dinner!) other non-anxiety-related adult tasks (I’ll take out the trash!) or money (I’ll cover your concert ticket!) to coax someone else to call for me.

Yeah I’m not even kidding.

  1. kibuto reblogged this from whitachi and added:
    Working in a call center for a few years and having to call customers really did help with this, yet at the same time...
  2. neveth reblogged this from whitachi and added:
    I make most of the Adult Related Phonecalls in my household because my fiancee has problems doing it. I myself learned...
  3. whitachi reblogged this from glockgal and added:
    Note a wisecrack: For people I am friends with and where it is feasible I will totally and absolutely make Adult Related...
  4. frek reblogged this from glockgal
  5. bluebookworm reblogged this from mannish-water
  6. terrie01 reblogged this from glockgal and added:
    You guys have no idea how glad I am that I’m not the only person who hate sthe phone that much.
  7. attilee reblogged this from glockgal and added:
    #LOL #attilee #I’m thinking of you gurl yes yes yes to phone calls to STRANGERS or to place order/get help. STRANGER...
  8. glockgal reblogged this from mannish-water and added:
    Alternately, the incredibly mature adult way to do this: using bribes of food (I’ll buy/make you dinner!) other...
  9. fluctuatingidentities reblogged this from mannish-water
  10. laskyce said: Holy shit I just did this today! Wrote down all the things that I wanted and everything. I swear when I was writing I wondered if anyone else does this. Then I got sad because I thought no one else did. Glad to know I am not the only one : )
  11. mannish-water posted this