Repurposed Goods!

Home of the Pallet Adirondack Chair!


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Help him/her build something cool for Father’s Day! Build a chair, then sit. Better yet, get them to build a big Pallet Adirondack Chair and a Mini Pallet Adirondack Chair for the kiddo, then have them sit together! 

While sitting on their newly created chairs, the father and kiddo can:

  • Talk about monsters
  • Go over shoe tying lessons
  • Throw rocks at a tree
  • Mimic each other until one or both are cry-laughing

(Disclaimer: The guides help you source the pallets, take them apart and build the chairs. They do not magically build them for you so please allow some time to build WITH the kiddo. The kid will enjoy the process and will think you are the coolest, strongest, coolest, most cool father on the planet. Also, build at your own risk…retain all digits and keep the red stuff inside you.)


  1. repurposedgoods posted this

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