Very excited to be showing Scott Hove’s latest body of work at this weeks Scope NYC fair. 

Known primarily for his taxidermy cake busts, Scott has taken a new direction this year with his work following the tragic recent events at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Here’s what Scott has to say about these new pieces:

“In American culture, a gun can serve not only as great equalizer of the powerful and powerless. Beyond the purposes of hunting and defense, having a gun can also serve as a surrogate identity of virility and empowerment. Assault weapons are the most rapidly evolving of these identity empowerment tools. They are fetish objects composed of high-capacity magazines, infrared scopes, flashlights, bayonets and laser sights, rendered in a sleek and angular matte black.

In this series of sculptures, I have given the hyper-masculinized aesthetic of the assault weapon a forced-feminization in the form of very pretty cake decoration. Each piece points out the ultimate fantasy of a violence and fear-based ethos.”

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