A huge crowd turns out to celebrate the opening of Union Station, Los Angeles, May 4, 1939. 

“Stirring awake memories that had slumbered for more than a century, railroad officials yesterday staged a colorful pageant of transportation that thrilled thousands of Angelenos for two hours. Gayly costumed ladies of the Gay Nineties – and the years before – rode stage coaches and horse cars and stuttering, slow-moving trains of another era. Derby-hatted, mustachioed gentlemen in tight coats pumped high-wheeled bicycles – ‘bone-crushers’ they were known as in those days – all to celebrate formal opening of the new Union Station, pictured in background as oldest Union Pacific train approaches the city’s newest in beautiful architecture.” – The Los Angeles Examiner 

(Source: digitallibrary.usc.edu)

May 3
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