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Very top 10 weird things we do for beauty! :)

In between other of the broadly spread beauty myths are also such like whitening teeth with baking soda or massaging coffee in the tights.

Scientific analysis of ladies behavior and beauty methods proved that 10% of ladies would try anything in order to look well. Ladies have a different sort of approach to products and beauty tips, some prefer to use up to date inventions and other would like to stick to the things they know.

A standard solutions to stay looking healthy consist of consuming an adequate amount of liquids, milk and cranberry juice. Another unconventional remedies include rubbing strawberries on the face to minimize the appearance of freckles and adding sugar to soap to exfoliate.

Most people know that eating regimen makes 80% of the overall health so it is therefore beauty issue.

Listed here are examples of some spread beauty tricks:

1. A sprinkle of lemonade on damp hair to provide hold and texture.

2. Brushing talcum into hair to freshen it.

3. Drinking lots of milk.

4. Last hair wash in white vinegar.

5. Glue up destroyed fingers nails rather than tear them down.

6. Steam entire face above water bath with some fresh herb plants.

7. Pouring milk into your bath tub or on body.

8. Ketchup to the hair to alter hair color.

9. Pumpkin and also olive oil on your hair to give it a moisture boost.

10. Antihistamine to eliminate flushed cheeks.