July 22nd

6:28PM // 53 notes



‘Space Station ‘76’ Trailer

All of this. All of it. I can’t wait…..

(Source: youtube.com, via sagansense)

  1. planetniles reblogged this from perfectcromulence
  2. kaiju-z reblogged this from randomdeinonychus and added:
    Wait. A comedy movie that actualy doesn’t rely on gross out humor and is actually … …. … … … funny?!
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  7. dunkelzahn reblogged this from little-ojousama
  8. little-ojousama reblogged this from amiry and added:
    If Gamma Shift was given a space station, basically.
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  12. spacegent reblogged this from sagansense and added:
    FINALLY there’s a trailer.
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