“BEHOLD! The Dinosaurs! ” - A Giclée Print by Dustin Harbin on INPRNT
I recently got to see one of these in person–I had been iffy on how good these could look, considering that the larger sizes are blown up (my original file for this was 11x14 at...
Feb 28, 2013

“BEHOLD! The Dinosaurs! ” - A Giclée Print by Dustin Harbin on INPRNT

I recently got to see one of these in person–I had been iffy on how good these could look, considering that the larger sizes are blown up (my original file for this was 11x14 at 800dpi). But holy moses, it was gorgeous–the colors were SO rich, it really sang. So much so that I’m thinking of getting a few of these larger ones to display at a couple of driving-distance shows this summer. ANYway you can see all the stuff I have available on INPRNT right here, and I’ll likely be adding some files next week. Very impressed! 

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