April 23, 2014

Anonymous asked: That "I've got a daughter" bit (and it is always a daughter) is just a liberals' version of "Won't someone think of the children?"


From your pejorative use of “liberal,” I’m going to presume you’re a self-described “conservative.” That puts you on some very shaky ground, considering how many self-proclaimed conservatives use “protecting our children” for any number of draconian, even cruel, pieces of legislation.

You betray a remarkable, and incredible, selfishness in just one sentence. As if to say caring for our children is, in some way, a weakness. As if to say caring for our children is, in some way, wrong. As if it is not every parents’ duty to do just that.

Moreover, you’re willfully misreading what I wrote. I talked of my daughter, yes. And of my colleagues. My friends. My wife. My peers. My fans. I spoke to men and women alike.

Yet another coward who is afraid to sign his name.

All you do is prove me right.

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