Hey there,
My name is Joe. I'm a creative professional working in New York City. I work in publishing, but I have a long lists of interests including: mass transit, cookware, and most forms of dance. I am married to double face tape and I make...

22nd September 2014

Photoset reblogged from Artchipel with 2,181 notes


Rafael Mantesso (Brazil) - Jimmy Choo the Bull Terrier

Rafael Mantesso, editor in chief of Brasilian gastronomy marketing site Marketing na Cozinha. While fine food may rank high on Mantesso’s priority list however, another of his great loves is his adorable Bull Terrier, Jimmy Choo, the star of his highly imaginative feed. A talented artist, Mantesso captures his pup against a backdrop of amusing illustrations, accompanied by various props where necessary, to hilarious, heartwarming effect. (src. AnOther© All images courtesy of the artist

[more Rafael Mantesso | artist recommended by Mumy]

Tagged: Dogcuteabsolutart

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