The Chillerspot.

Whoever I am today, it’s partly because of Red Cross.

During my puberty days when I almost became an emo-punk, I decided to join one organization that changed my life in ways I never imagined. I am not putting too much drama here but that’s exactly what have happened a decade ago. I was just this young, broken-hearted achiever who wants to do everything just to make my mom proud of me. The decision I made was purely influenced by my peers who just wants an organization for the sake of having an organization but then again I found myself loving what I have been doing. It gave me a certain joy that I cannot still actually put into words. It just made me feel so fulfilled.

Red Cross taught me how to save lives and care for others whom I am actually not even related to. My experiences actually made me realized that I can do things I thought I will never ever achieved in my entire existence. I was able to conquer 30km amazing race, rapel a building, vertical climb, run like a fool with flour in my face, beg to strangers, survive a moutain hike and survive sleepless nights to finish reports and committee tasks. Papers and reports are no strangers to me – they used to be my life. It developed my leadership skills and boosted my self confidence in talking publicly. It made me discover my own potentials, made me aware of my weaknesses and due to my strong hopes in the organization I also got my prize during my college days. The bust of St. John Baptist De La Salle is actually a symbol of being an exemplary Lasallian leader and having one reminds me that once, I am great. Again, thank you to USLS - College Red Cross Youth Council for giving me the opportunity to lead and inspire other youngsters. All of it raised my self awareness level and made my life more concerned about others. I am exposed to various realities and that includes substance abuse, wars and HIV/AIDS. From a high school lost kid to a young adult battling quarter life crisis, Red Cross gave me the sanity and fulfillment during the times when I too have personal issues to deal with. I met my true friends and great mentors that have inspired me over the years. I understand myself by understanding others and my journey in the organization was actually enlightening, moving and fulfilling. It made me experienced euphoria with a sense of completeness knowing you did something no matter how small or great it can be as long as you did it because you cared for the suffering humanity.

I am actually out of words right now. I am still struggling as of the moment due to my random dry spells but this, this needs to be out before the momentum is over. I would recommend Red Cross to my future son or daughter because who I am now is because of it. To my fellow Red Cross volunteers then and now, I salute you all for your undying love and care to our fellows. There is truly no noble heart than a heart of a volunteer.

April 15 is Philippine Red Cross Founding Anniversary with a theme: “One with the most vulnerable: A beacon of hope, help and compassion.

To know more about Red Cross and our causes, feel free to visit this website:

P.S.: Not in the mood to proofread… sorry for the grammar blunders. :)

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