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Soma co-founders Mike Del Ponte and Ido Leffler were sitting around talking about water when the thought came to them: why do we have to settle for poorly-designed water filters? Where is the water filter with that sleek, minimalist Apple feel? Del...

Soma co-founders Mike Del Ponte and Ido Leffler were sitting around talking about water when the thought came to them: why do we have to settle for poorly-designed water filters? Where is the water filter with that sleek, minimalist Apple feel? Del Ponte, the founder of Sparkseed, and Leffler, the founder of Yes To Carrots, think they’ve created it with Soma, a Jony Ive-inspired water filter.


  1. mrandmrsyoung reblogged this from fastcompany and added:
    Stylish water filter for ya?!
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