
I’m really disappointed in Beef today. Really feeling a bit let down by this. He always seemed like a really cool guy but then he comes out with sexist shit like this and I just am thrown by how casual sexism is everywhere and people genuinely think its okay to do this shit. I’d demand an apology but he’s not even replied to the tweets so I honestly don’t think I’d get one.

I’m posting it here because frankly its a shitty thing and with all the sexism in gaming talk recently this is pretty relevant. I’m so sick of this shit everywhere.

Like, aside from Beef, a bunch of people do it and every time I hear something like “Don’t be a girl!” from one of my favourites lets players or something like that then it makes me cringe and wonder why on earth then think being a girl is so awful that they have to demand that their friends stop acting like one (looking at you here Rob, you keep fucking doing it, I love you but just fucking stop). And when Guude comes out with the insults recently its almost always “Bitch!” or “Son of a bitch, man!” and I get that he’s southern and that’s a frequent saying there but when the insults are nothing but gendered slurs you begin to wonder what the hell’s going on because it sure as hell gets fucking tiring when your gender is being used as an insult against someone else.

It’s always bitch, its always son of a bitch, its always motherfucker, its always insulting to a female because apparently you just can’t insult a man without referring to a female in some derogatory manner. I’m so fucking sick of this bullshit and I am done being quiet. I love the Mindcrackers but I won’t deny that what they come out with sometimes is extremely hurtful even if they don’t intend it to be that way. I want an apology and I want change. I don’t want to sit there cringing when my gender is used as an insult or a punchline.

(edited for typo, whoops!)

Side note, thanks for the support from the ladies on twitter after I tweeted at Beef, good to know I’m not the only one angry about this.

Wow, that’s really shitty! Sad too, because he comes across as a decent guy. FWIW, it looks like he deleted that tweet and offered this very weak-sauce apology:

(via solar-spaces-archived-deactivat)


  1. sinofcats said: Beef isn’t sexist, he just likes his beard alot.
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  4. witchguardian reblogged this from theropodtheroblogs and added:
    YES THANK YOU. I used to adore VintageBeef, but I was just so put off by this tweet :/ and the amount of fanboys/girls...
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    You’re a gem. I’m always so happy when people just say something, so thanks for that.
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