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made it nearly four minutes into the new episode of agents of shield before i had to turn off my tv.

it is continuously unbelievable that a show with this much going for it can be so completely unwatchable. and not just derivative and unambitious, but emotionally flat. it’s not creative enough to be dramatic and it’s //painfully// unfunny. and they have ming na! and clark gregg! and i have literally not seen such a great pair of actors be this bland and uncompelling since the last star wars prequel.

almost human is doing such a better job with practically the same premise that it is //embarassing//. and almost human is maybe a 7/10 on average, but even when karl urban is in full on cowboy justice mode he’s worth watching.

all shield has to do is make me care about some of the characters on the show, but even coulson feels one dimensional, and he was in four movies already. this was their shot to make him five-dimensional, the most interesting and best developed character in the mcu, and he’s less interesting here than as a bit player in tony stark’s story.

  1. ultralaser posted this