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i was going to make a joke, like, “god, who would let that gangly monstrosity of a sexy teen (plus a year) jesus hold their child, have they ever even seen him try to walk, this is so dangerous, look how he teeters on those shoes as he shimmies and shakes with joyous, unwieldy abandon, beautiful but beyond control,” except i couldn’t even get through thinking it, let alone typing it, because the truth is that the world would probably be a better place if we gave harry styles every baby. give him every baby and let him nurture their spirits and wrap their heads in luxury scarves. let him teach them the importance of keeping your potassium levels up. let every small boychild in the land be raised beneath the warmth of a one harry styles so that they too may grow to be a good-hearted fawn who loves everyone and everything so completely, so selflessly, with such prescient understanding as to what kind of love it is they need, and without question, that he must grow his hair out long and luscious just to contain such boundless radiance, just to try.

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