April 5, 2014



A letter from Edward, Prince of Wales (Later Edward VIII) to his first mistress, Freda Dudley Ward. 

The two - who’s relationship lasted five years - met during an air raid in London, in 1918.

Buckhouse [Buckingham Palace] S.W. 

12th May 1919.

My darling beloved little Fredie,

Bless you for your two sweet little letters which have made me so so happy. Particularly the last one saying that you are arriving back this evening & suggesting that I shld [should] look in after the opera. Oh! No I couldn’t possibly do such a common thing as that - - - - !!!!

Sweetheart, how can you say “or shall we wait till Tues”? Of course must come & am so so overjoyed at the thought of seeing my own precious darling little girl again so soon. I ought to be able to get round about 12:00 & I’ll let myself in as I’ve still got the key!! It’s so so divine of you wanting your little David to come & you just can’t think how happy you’ve made him, beloved one & how much it makes him love & adore you.

[Writing across the top of the letter]

All all my great love & more [??] than I’m capable of sending my very own darling beloved precious little Fredie. Bless you!!

Your devoted and adoring petit(?) [??], David.

* I can’t make out the words marked with [??], can anyone else see what they are? Feel free to add them if you can.

This may be of particular interest to anyone who saw the Downton Abbey Christmas Special. 

The word marked above with the question marks is “baisers”, it´s french and means kisses.

(Source: TIME, via historicalwhatsits)

9:39pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Zp1sgx1CBymfB
Filed under: history 
  1. bromeo-666-blog reblogged this from kingedwardviii
  2. celebrenithil reblogged this from lostinhistory and added:
    Well I know why you couldn’t make out those two words: they’re in French. I do believe English nobility has a long habit...
  3. living-history reblogged this from historicalwhatsits and added:
    The word marked above with the question marks is “baisers”, it´s french and means kisses.
  4. lostinhistory reblogged this from historicalwhatsits
  5. historicalwhatsits reblogged this from kingedwardviii
  6. kingedwardviii reblogged this from margaretroses and added:
    This may be of particular interest to anyone who saw the Downton Abbey Christmas Special.
  7. margaretroses posted this