2 August 2014

The elf I said… Meh.

I’ve decided that Tryggvi is going to talk like a Geordie man (be damned the canon.) And he’ll use the word monger rather frequently.

Sera: Spoofmonger

Ironbull: Organmonger

Long Read Again..

More on Background

I’d say Tryggvi is a good guy. I mean he’s not mean… I mean he’s one of those people who’d spend more energy avoiding helping people than it would by helping them. But if you catch him and get him to promise to help, he’ll do it. Not without grumbling curses. 

He’ll spew out many lies to get out of helping you, but if you know him, you know he’s full of it and keep pushing it until he admits defeat. He wishes people well, but would rather not be involved. His primary focus is himself and his needs. So I wouldn’t trust him to have your back in a fight. 

His knowledge about common things and the world and the events around him is rather lacking he doesn’t need to pretend to be stupid there, because he really fucking is. 
His cognitive empathy is quite high however, yet he wouldn’t let you know that though. 
He found through his drunken days that people underestimate you quite a bit when you’re in such a state, and you get away with way more. So he’s taken this to heart and his persona and fighting style evolved to match. 

The level of “intelligence” he shows depends on those he is with. Smarter they are, the less smart he has to appear basically.
He does this for various reasons. 
For one he really doesn’t like thinking too much, or plan things, or try to do the smart thing at all. 
Secondly if the people he work with are smart, he consider them capable enough to figure stuff out on their own so he can sit there with his feet on the table. Yet they are also a bigger threat. So if they think him dumb, and they ever think of turning against him he’ll stand a better chance if they think him an easy target. 
If his team is forming a bad plan though, he might try and be helpful and throw in information that will either seem a fluke, or in such a manner that they will do the thinking for him.
Like, if they are planning an attack in a snowy area, he might start off on one of his “pointless” stories. “I always liked snow, so peaceful, can’t hear much when it falls.” and they’ll realise that sneaking up on a camp when it snows might be a good idea, etc.

If you ask him straight, he won’t lie to you, but he won’t necessarily tell you the entire truth either. He’ll give you an answer he knows you’ll be satisfied with, leaving out all those things you really should have been told.
None if this is done with the intention to harm or be cruel to anyone, it’s merely a way for him to get out of trouble and stay alive. Even if he enjoys getting into trouble, just to get out of it.
So when I say he’s a good guy, I mean he bears no ill will. He doesn’t judge. 


Seeing as he is now branded with the fade mark, and he is hunted. Sticking to, and being considered useful for the inquisition and not be a complete idiot, is the best thing for him in order to stay alive.
Everyone will be given plentiful of opportunity to question why he became the inquisition leader however. He might make up for it with his fighting skills, even with his magical abilities severely lacking he’s good at slicing off heads, but he’ll hold back there too. Because hey, he is now surrounded by many powerful fighters. Best play the game very carefully.

Tryggvi never quite liked the idea others of the inquisition had “turn things back to how they were” he thrives on chaos, it makes him giddy. Going backwards, to him, is absolutely ridiculous. Chaos means things will evolve, and he can’t wait to see what it will bring.
But while in the inquisition he’ll see things and experience things that he never has before, he’ll see so many terrible thing in such a larger scale that it will eventually turn him incredibly hateful I think. 

The main character he’s worried about early on in the inquisition will be Solas. He’s a bit too smart. I think those two will eventually get along very well.. After Tryggvi has stopped all his out of character planning, to kill Solas.
I think him and Sera will be a menace at the Skyhold.
Cole is another problem, hiding things from him when he himself can hide so well, ah… Paranoia.
Cullen, such a planner, he pity’s him.
IB and Tryggvi shouldn’t be put together really, it’s like Vivienne and Dorian, but instead of words those two would leave far too much chaos. And then drink over it later (Tryggvi with his glass of milk…)

Things may change, but this is some of the stuff I saw in him.

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