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New Logo.Octagons.Minimalism


So, I have a new logo (unintentionally, but we will get to that in a bit) Yay!!!! 

You know when you have an unexpected thought/idea come to your mind while talking to someone and you interrupt them from what they were saying to say your “random” thought before it vanishes away to the land of forgotten brilliance? Well that happened to me the other day as I was whatsapp-ing one of my friends. She was going on about one thing when I had a random thought “I am thinking of rebranding myself, cleaning up and changing” I said. She didn’t take much note of what I said but that didn’t really matter cause once you take the thought out of your mind and place it somewhere where you can see/touch it comes alive.

Note that I had said rebranding myself not PlatonicBlissAfter that conversation I started thinking of all the ways I could rebrand (by rebrand I meant better and improve, I just choose to use the word rebrand because am a marketing person - remember that marketing degree I have tossed away somewhere. I just wanted to change my appearance if am being rather honest. Nothing on the inside (the stuff inside is already pure awesomeness) but just the exterior. Like getting a paint job. My current life situation provides me the freedom to do such a thing. New city, new people, new environment. I could be who ever the heck I pleased. So why not? Cape Town is filled with creatives and people with all sorts of attire, hair-dos and lifestyles. Which only makes it difficult for one to really stand out. I guess the main reason I have been thinking of rebranding myself is because Cape Town (as well as Dar Es Salaam) have a VERYcompetitive photography scene. There are tons of us. So one must stand out somehow, if not through your work then through your extremely loveable/awesome personality/image. 

Okay, am drifting away from the actual purpose of this blog post now. New  logo Asteria, not new you. Focus. 

So the logo. I am not too sure as to exactly how I found myself playing around with this app on iPad and accidentally designing my new logo but it happened and I LOVE it! Being me, I got the urge to find out any meaning to the new logo. I like when logos have a deeper meaning behind them. So I went to good old Uncle Google and searched “symbolism behind octagon” and boy wasn’t I intrigued with what I found.

The symbolic meaning of octagon deals with:

  • Regeneration
  • Totality
  • Infinity
  • Rebirth
  • Transition

The octagon is found in baptisteries as a symbol representing eternal life as – likely because the number eight is symbolic of renewal.

“Rebranding, rebranding, rebranding” that whats all my brain could think when I started reading that. Change and renewal. My accidental choice of shape was coinciding with the conscious choice to rebrand myself I made a few days ago. The rebirth had began. I am a strong believer of the language of the universe and that everything happens for a reason.   

“This interplay between circle (dome) and square (found in the angular octagon) speaks of the transitional dance between earth and heaven.  The circle is symbolic of the heavens (also eternity/infinity) and the angularity of the square is symbolic of earthly presence.”

This I found quite interesting becasue sometime last week I changed my profile picture on Facebook and captioned it, “Some people are squares while others are circles. I choose to be a circle.” How much of a coincidence that a octagon is the combination of both circles and squares?  


Well, thats that about the shape of my logo. I kept the colours and typography the same as my previous logo as that’s what I loved the most about the logo. The simplicity and cleanliness if the colour white and the power to stand out and gram attention of the colour black.  

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