Soft, Sad Freak On An Unprofitable Website — Life Under a Tiny, Red, Angry Sun So a recent...

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Life Under a Tiny, Red, Angry Sun
So a recent study found that 6% of red dwarf stars may have Earth-like planets in orbit around them, and 75% of all stars are red dwarfs – which means that in a galaxy like the Milky Way with 300 billion stars, there...

Life Under a Tiny, Red, Angry Sun

So a recent study found that 6% of red dwarf stars may have Earth-like planets in orbit around them, and 75% of all stars are red dwarfs – which means that in a galaxy like the Milky Way with 300 billion stars, there should be 13.5 billion Earth-sized planets out there in orbit around red dwarfs. Could any of them be homes to extraterrestrial life…?

Image: A size comparison of, from left to right, Jupiter, Proxima Centauri, Gliese 581, the Sun.

stars planets red dwarf exoplanets astrobiology alien life

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