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“ fit—f0rever:
“ fitandhealthyforlifee:
“ imgonnamakeachange:
“ girlgrowingsmall:
“ I’m bringing this back this year. Are you up for the challenge?
I’m going to attempt to do this ONLY because on Halloween I’m going to basically eat my...






I’m bringing this back this year. Are you up for the challenge?

I’m going to attempt to do this ONLY because on Halloween I’m going to basically eat my weight in candy and everything that is horrible for me.

LOL, oh my okay challenge accepted

Challenge accepted because of the reasons stated above, hahaa oh god

  1. youannoymealready reblogged this from lostinmy-head-blog
  2. liampaynoo reblogged this from healthy-newme and added:
    I’m changing it to November, I first saw it now (Nov)
  3. jackadorian reblogged this from jackadorian and added:
    I did it! I went this whole month without any candy! I usually don’t eat bad stuff until Sundays, but heck I deserve a...
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