Minimal Desks - Simple workspaces, interior design

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Here’s my desk, finally.
Back in April I revealed that in spite of running a site based around desks and workspaces, I did not own one of my own since relocating domiciles for work two and a half years ago. After working on my Macbook Pro from the...

Here’s my desk, finally.

Back in April I revealed that in spite of running a site based around desks and workspaces, I did not own one of my own since relocating domiciles for work two and a half years ago.  After working on my Macbook Pro from the kitchen table or the sofa I embarked on what I deemed a “desk-quest."  I did not to set out to buy any desk, but a desk that I viewed as an heirloom piece that I could pass down to my son 50-plus years from now.   I researched all of the components and methodologies that go into crafting quality, lasting furniture.  I examined types of wood.  I studied construction.  I scrutinized finishes and I looked at hardware.  After a culmination of many late nights and early mornings I arrived at what I feel is a match made in heaven.

I’ve used this desk for the past 30 days and I notice something quite interesting.  My computer infrequently touches this desk and primarily resides in my briefcase when home, with some exceptions of course.  Most often I update MinimalDesks right from my iPad and sofa. My desk time is largely spent reading out of paper books or writing in my paper Moleskine journal.  I spend 9 hours daily on my computer in the office, so essentially, this home oriented workspace emerged as my digital-less sanctuary.  My way of re-connecting to paper and ink and abandoning the 1’s and 0’s, even if for only for a few hours.  Talk about liberating.

**Since I know some may wonder. My workspace is setup in the den at the back of the house.  So, that’s not actually the front door you see in the picture.