
Ryan is headed home!!


From Ryan’s Facebook:

After 43 days at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Ryan is FINALLY coming home!! Although, he is still in chronic pain and on pain meds we are so happy to bring him home. My husband and I have to give Ryan his pain meds and all other meds through his feeding tube which will be a challenge considering it’s brand new to us. He is on 18-hour feeds, which requires us to constantly change his formula, flush his tube, and change the bag every 4 hours. CHOP also set up a nurse to come to the house to check with his feeding tube and meds. Ryan is so happy to be coming home but still has many restrictions.

Even with all the challenges ahead, this is great news and I’m so glad for Ryan and his family!  Please continue to help with his GoFundMe to assist his parents with the massive costs involved in home care and medical expenses.  Every tiny bit REALLY helps and is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!! <3