September 24, 2012
Pre-order + Tracklisting for Bish Bosch


Not to push the capitalist thing too hard, but for those of you who are interested you can now pre-order Scott Walker’s upcoming album Bish Bosch from 4AD. The page also gives a track list:

1. ‘See You Don’t Bump His Head’
2. Corps De Blah
3. Phrasing
4. SDSS14+13B (Zercon, A Flagpole Sitter)
5. Epizootics
6. Dimple
7. Tar
8. Pilgrim
9. The Day The “Conducator Died”

New Scott Walker (musician) album!  Or, as I like to think of it, support for an ongoing argument.  Reported instruments featured include: ramshorns, an ancient kudu shofar instrument, machetes, a chisel, a restored 2XL, a pair of Uggs, and pudding.

Okay, I made up the last three.

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    New Scott Walker (musician) album! Or, as I like to think of it, support for an ongoing argument. Reported instruments...
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