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Apparently cis folks are not allowed to write anything with trans characters, ever. Even if they do research to try and do it right.  Wow. 

So, I guess this means gay folks can’t write straight things, straight folks can’t write bisexual things, bisexual folks can’t write asexual things, asexuals can’t write pansexual things.  Just… just… wow.

  1. random-nexus reblogged this from undun-duz and added:
    I THINK we’re all human, but then again, some days….
  2. undun-duz reblogged this from random-nexus and added:
    Um, are we forgetting the bleeding’ obvious here? That male can’t write female and female can’t write male. Well. That’s...
  3. the-nerdy-autist reblogged this from marmosette
  4. kagoashes reblogged this from pati79
  5. marmosette reblogged this from random-nexus
  6. effervescent-espionage reblogged this from levynite
  7. sentientexisistentialcrisis reblogged this from levynite
  8. pati79 reblogged this from random-nexus and added:
    That is another brand of the sort of thing that happens in tumblr that I don’t understand, and that puts me off LIFE...
  9. levynite reblogged this from random-nexus and added:
    Well I’m stunned and baffled at this.