Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme




don’t say you’re a writer if you just write fanfiction for your entertainment. you’re only a writer if you kill a bear with a typewriter to appease the spirit of hemingway and slather yourself in ink in tribute to shakespeare, the one true over-penis of literature.

Guys write fanfic and it’s just as bad as the other stuff.

You aren’t a writer unless you toil away at your own humanity and the way that can best - through the trained mastery of structure and form in your own language - communicate your soul to the world around you.

Your fandom isn’t your soul, it’s the tangible web created by a writer’s successful attempt at human/emotional solidarity.

Find your soul.
Inspire your own fandom.

(But dont stop creating fanfic)

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  3. kimmibatty said: “off to find a typewriter” implies that you already have a bear on standby……
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