
Cylinders and Raindrop sculptures with Kindergarten

Paper Quilled Hanging Sculptures is a lesson plan given to me by a colleague many years ago.  The lesson seems simple enough… and it is!  I teach this lesson every year and I always get fabulous results.

I introduce the lesson with photos of various types of sculpture.  We talk about abstract and figurative sculpture and what makes these different than a painting or drawing.  This lesson introduces a lot of great vocabulary too; height, width, depth, 3D vs. 2D, form, and cylinder.  I also like to demonstrate holding a sculpture in my hand and seeing it from all views, or walking around or under a giant sculpture.

Sometimes we hang our sculptures, other times I attach them to matte and hang them on the wall, sometimes they are meant to just sit on a shelf.  Every variation works.  I’ve even added puff ball spheres, and rectangular prisms at times.

This lesson works great for a substitute too!

from Blogger http://ift.tt/1sGOFDe
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