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New podcast is live! Enjoy!


Happy Friday everyone!

The newest Crystal Habit podcast has just gone live.

Show Notes: Recorded from Nerd HQ at San Diego Comic Con 2012, this episode includes special interviews with Chuck’s Zachary Levi and the newly announced voice & performance artist of Lara Croft - Camilla Luddington. Hosted by Meagan Marie

If you like what you hear make sure to subscribe to The Crystal Habit on iTunes.

Enjoy the show!

(If you are hearing impaired or English isn’t your native language, a transcription of today’s podcast can be downloaded here.)

21 notes

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  5. maxraider reblogged this from tombraider and added:
    Camilla’s a Sagittarius!!! Me too! Love it!
  6. tombraider reblogged this from crystaldynamics and added:
    New podcast is live! Enjoy!
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