





“But shipping can affect real life! My friend becky used to be real into twilight and it influenced her so bad she ended up being in a relationship with a guy who was a controlling asshole!”

Yeah well then becky’s fucking stupid then isn’t she

imagine being this ugly

Because it’s not like teenage girls can fucking be influenced by things such as books because when does our media matter and make an impact on an impressionable group of people? Because it’s SOOOO ridiculous that the entire YA genre enforces those relationships that young girls are pretty much gaslit into thinking it’s cool!

or you could learn to dissasociate between reality and fiction

Pretty sure it’s the larger culture at play here. Not Twilight alone.

Oh, yeah, it’s definitely the culture. And it’s not just young people. For years before I read Wuthering Heights, I thought it was a romance book from hearing about it secondhand. Then I got to it and went, “People think THIS is one of the most romantic stories of all time? WHY?!”

Twilight and Fifty Shades are just the most popular in recent years. But there’s definitely an underlying ‘assholes are sexy, and the right woman can tame the savage beast into a loving husband’ narrative to things. It’s one of the worst parts of being a romance writer with a social conscience - trying to write books that don’t flop without adding to that dangerous idea. (I know, fantasies are fantasies and not real life, but the subconscious absorbs this stuff. It’s powerful.)

I usually write characters who have a history or a romance that lasts more than a week. I cant suspend my belief to have two characters go from “I’m never getting in (another) relationship” to “forever” in under a month.

(via amyvalenti-deactivated20181203)

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    One of the main reasons why people say “I’m looking for my Mr. grey” is because the media romanticizes abusive and...
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β€œKiss me, and you will see how important I am.”
― Sylvia Plath
I used to write romance. I fell into fandom and I can't get out. Lately, Dragon Age.

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