Kids Don't Care About Cars


Bob Lefsetz:

Just because cars have lasted a century, that does not mean they’re here to stay, that does not mean they’re not ripe for disruption. Cars are the newspapers of today. Something oldsters can’t live without and youngsters can.

The basic premise is you’ve got to go. How you get there is irrelevant. Furthermore, the costs of car ownership…the insurance and the gas, never mind the maintenance, none of them appeal to a youngster who believes all costs should be baked in.

A common mistake is thinking that just because something has been around for a long time, it’s impervious to disruption. If anything, the long incumbency makes it more ripe for disruption. Everything — everything — eventually gets disrupted. 

(And yes, I now hate using the word “disruption” as much as everyone else because it has basically been neutered of meaning and turned into pure marketing. But it’s simply the best term here.)

Oh, fucking horse shit. “Kids don’t care about cars” says guy who provides absolutely no evidence to support that conclusion other than saying that “kids today hate hidden fees”. 

“Kids don’t care about cars” explains why the TV show Top Gear is so popular with kids. Because they fucking hate cars! 

This is being reblogged because it’s super popular right now to predict that some vapory new product category is going to completely disrupt an existing market because someone in a big city thinks that everyone else lives in a big city and they can’t see 5 miles beyond their own stupid lifestyle.

Is it possible to build a better car? Of course. Does that mean kids don’t care about cars? Only if you’re a dumbass.

68 notes


  1. internetofme reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Cars can and will be disrupted.
  2. colinkeeley reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    A long incumbency actually makes things less likely to be disrupted. Cars(1886) are relatively young as far as...
  3. starter-life reblogged this from parislemon
  4. brianericford-blog-blog reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Oh, fucking horse shit. “Kids don’t care about cars” says guy who provides absolutely no evidence to support that...
  5. oreospeeddealer reblogged this from parislemon
  6. arnisvanur reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Food for thought.
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