put a letter in my ask

‎A - Available?

B - Birthday?

C - Crushing on?

D - Drink you last had?

E - Easiest person to talk to?

F - Favourite song?

G - Grade i hated?

H - Hometown?

I - Icecream flavour?

J - Jellybean flavour?

K - Killed someone?

L- Longest friendship?

M - Milkshake flavour?

N - Number of siblings?

O - One wish?

P - Person who called me last?

Q - Question your always asked?

R - Reason to smile?

S - Song i last sung?

T - Time you woke up?

U - Umbrella colour?

V - Very best friend?

W - Which celebrity i’d marry?

X - X rays i had?

Y - Your last time you cried?

Z - Zodiac sign?<p>Do it please : D I'm bored and full of soufflé. </p>

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    Several years later……A- YESB- 7/11 I’m old, trust. C- a 1930s actor oddly enough D- black tea lemonade, extra sweetE-...
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