Just Indie Comics — Zombre by Ansis Purins on Just Indie Comics The...

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Zombre by Ansis Purins on Just Indie Comics

The first issue of Ansis Purins‘ Zombre was a 12-page mini-comic in black and white, almost completely silent and in which the author told the clash between the protagonist, a zombie who lives in a magical forest located on an island, and Slappy, a negative version of the same Zombre. In addition to this Megathunder Showdown between the two, the book served to introduce the characters of the series, including Ranger Elvis and Ranger Jones, the first a vegetarian and messy hippie, the second his tyrannical and obnoxious boss hiding an unexpected secret.
It’s in Zombre #2, titled The Magic Forest and winner of a Xeric Foundation Award, that these characters take a clearer form…
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