September 14, 2014
“ lupusdraconis:
“ usagimaree:
“ gobeautiful:
“ thelatestkate:
“ my therapist taught me to start thinking of my anxiety as my panicky friend
it’s working???
this is so cute omg
Woah this is super useful!!
For all my anxious...






my therapist taught me to start thinking of my anxiety as my panicky friend

it’s working???

this is so cute omg

Woah this is super useful!!

For all my anxious friends out there.

This totally works! Some of us get stuck in the sense that we *are* our emotions, so they overwhelm us and we can’t do anything about them. When you give your emotion an identity separate from you, it gives you the distance to make better judgments about it, and to comfort yourself better. 10/10 therapy veterans would recommend.

(via starfleetofficial)

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