
Productive day. 

The Chris Gethard Show premieres on Thursday May 28th on thisisfusion

  1. imoverthinkingitagain reblogged this from thechrisgethardshow
  2. laughterkey reblogged this from xojake and added:
  3. xojake reblogged this from ae-ross
  4. ae-ross reblogged this from marrtmaduke and added:
    Same! Go team Vancouver.
  5. marrtmaduke reblogged this from kskill and added:
    I am specifically leaving work early tomorrow to ensure that I will be home in time for this. So, so excited.
  6. ajmckeon reblogged this from thechrisgethardshow
  7. tumblingblind reblogged this from thechrisgethardshow
  8. kskill reblogged this from thechrisgethardshow and added:
    Our first episode is gonna be dope. Tune in to the livestream tomorrow at 8pm.
  9. thechrisgethardshow posted this