
What is entrepreneurship?

I was recently asked the question, ‘what is entrepreneurship?’ After thinking about it a bit, I came up with the following response:

Entrepreneurship is a road to self discovery. It is a journey to self-enlightenment dependent upon planning, hard work, and execution. The winding and rewarding path is paved with perseverance and cleansed with the tears of defeat. Even with the odds of success against you, the risks can be mitigated with passion, vision, teamwork, and a bit of luck. The character of an entrepreneur comes from fully understanding these unavoidable hardships and making the appropriate sacrifices to fulfill your dream and find your purpose. Stay positive, never quit, and empower those around you.

Be passionate. Be fearless. Don’t be afraid to fail. Make things. Love lots. Have fun.

  1. kbilletz-blog posted this