Self Esteem Supplement

The hottest clothes and the newest Jordan’s, if it was available I had to have it. I never acknowledged it but I was NEVER satisfied…..

 A lot of times we use these things as boosts to our self confidence because they supplement the lack of purpose that’s truly evident. We feel our appearance is EVERYTHING. In my case, I felt that it influenced the type of woman I’d attract. During my teen years, these types of women were one’s who were drawn to me because of my gentlemanlike demeanor, but it never ended the way I wanted it to, so I’d find myself buying new clothes to boost my ego after moments of feeling that my kindness was taken for weakness. I had to defend my pride. I had to prove that I could “pull” an even sexier, more intellectual woman than the last just to supplement MY EGO!! However, during this time it was never just one, it always had to be many, just to ensure that my feelings wouldn’t be put in that predicament anymore because of the availability of “options”. Many of us go through this and we haven’t acknowledged it yet. We as human beings were designed to participate in love relationships. Point. blank. Period. Society has deceived us to believe that we don’t need it and that we’re “hard” enough to do without because of the fear of being “hurt” by someone who doesn’t feel the same. This is because the being who does feel the same is the one that we ALWAYS APPROACH LAST,… GOD. So we become subconsciously wrapped up in supplementing love with something that is our habit, whether it’s partying, drinking, smoking, shopping, or something else, it’s a cycle that directly correlates with our emotional pattern. Whatever you do to supplement the lack of God’s love in your life you must first realize that It’s a CYCLE. GOD MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE, NOT YOUR CLOTHES, NOT YOUR JEWELRY, NOT YOUR FINANCIAL STATUS, NOT YOUR POPULARITY, NOT THAT MAN OR WOMAN. For you it may not be clothes, make-up, an approval from a certain person or people, but something more, but that void of self esteem is telling you that you lack God’s love and it will NEVER be fulfilled until you become satisfied with WHO YOU ARE. How can you become satisfied with who you are if you don’t first KNOW AND LOVE WHO YOU ARE? You will never REALIZE how to love who you are… until you first get to know the God that created you. He loves you. He always has, and He doesn’t want His love to be supplemented anymore….