July 24, 2014



I’m putting the usernames in a notebook to give to my family when I finally come out to them. They told me once when I was little that if I ever came out to be gay to not tell anyone because they thought I’d be judged so please reblog so I can show them that people in my generation are different than theirs.

I’m not coming out until I fill the notebook. So if you want to help?

(via georgedanielsz)

  1. ag--arts reblogged this from my-insanity-is-an-artform
  2. flowersncakes reblogged this from shadowgirlyoung
  3. eggtithing reblogged this from white-queen-of-hearts
  4. your-royal-reblogger reblogged this from consuming-madness and added:
    Not homophobic, but also please make sure you’re safe (both physically and mentally) before you come out
  5. furryperfectionprincess reblogged this from shadowgirlyoung
  6. myloveiainglen reblogged this from manibolly and added:
    I’m 48 and knew in my early teens I loved both women and men.
  7. manibolly reblogged this from shadowgirlyoung and added:
    I’m 60 and came out as bi at 14.
  8. shadowgirlyoung reblogged this from dangerouscherryblossomjellyfish
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