May 15, 2011


Post 300, folks, and never at a more fitting time!

Exam time is upon us, and much like the Spartans, I feel like the odds are against me. I have the dreaded Behavioural Neuroscience module on the morrow, (hence all the recent psychological posts). I must admit, I have a newfound respect for psychology as an academic field. I was always a bit dubious of it, and preferred to stick to my guns by looking at the basis of being from a biochemical/molecular standpoint. But no, it’s alright. I can see how the psychological method works, and now I appreciate why psychology is referred to as science.


Hell - I wouldn’t take it up as a career or anything, I like my chemicals and cells too much, but I see psychology as credible science now. So yeah… Go Psychologists! Muchos love to y'all! You really challenged me with this module.

Anywho, I say this every exam time, and now will be no different. These look to be the hardest yet.

So… here goes nothing.


And see you on the other side.

  1. bul-bul said: Best of luck! You will be great, Cap'n!
  2. captain-nitrogen-blog posted this