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Sorry I haven’t updated in a few weeks. I get distracted. But, alas! I have a new recipe, that’s totally original. 


Yes, Spaghetti Muffins. Don’t call me crazy until you’ve tried one. They’re delicious.

2 cups of dry penne 

1 can of tomato sauce 

2 tsp rosemary

2 tsp oregano 

2 tsp dried onion

1 tbsp granulated garlic

½ cup whole wheat flour

½ cup of Italian styled bread crumbs

¼ crumbled parmesan 

1 cup shredded mozzarella 

1 egg

Boil penne until thoroughly cooked. Mince penne. Add everything in one giant bowl, stir until everything is even. Put in muffin tins, bake for 375 at 20 minutes. There you have spaghetti muffins. Delicious. 

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