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  1. chernickov reblogged this from parislemon
  2. protstech reblogged this from professortom and added:
    Technically, wouldn’t Ballmer name the team Microsoft Windows 2014 Basketball Team R1?
  3. professortom reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Now taking bets on the under/over of when we see the first Clippy memes.
  4. jonasato reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Nope. Make mine, the Los Angeles Developers.
  5. idashedhope reblogged this from parislemon
  6. henrytcasey reblogged this from parislemon
  7. theliberaltony reblogged this from parislemon
  8. bumbleblue reblogged this from parislemon
  9. zoyx reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    What about the Clippys? Heh, get it?
  10. parislemon posted this